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Most of the people in this present world are negative, sad, and unsatisfied with their life. So that the rate of people who are in depression is continuously increasing. People used to think having money and being success is not good. They always are being pessimistic toward society, government and their friends & family. They don’t set goal and don’t use their time efficiently that’s why do not get anything in life.
Human mind and the garden are somewhere
same. We plant beautiful and smelly plants on and take off unusual and bad
which reflect bad image among the garden. Like the same we should a positive
thoughts on our mind. Positive thoughts make a man’s life easier and
Here are some of the Life changing Principles
You should apply in daily life to be financially free, achieve goal, and
1. Your Mind (The Garden)
Your mind is like a garden.
Where you sow plants of your thoughts. If you plant with positive thoughts you
will be more positive and happy all the time. Positive plants make you optimistic, better
quality life, opportunities grabber,
positive influencer, and mostly important happy And if you fill with negative
plants your life will be pessimistic, negative, social humiliate, etc. Therefore, fill your mind with
positive plants to make your life easier, positive and
2. The Purpose Of Your Life (The Lighthouse)
The lighthouse helps to show
the way towards their destination. Like the same have a clear purpose helps to
work for your goal. Having goal makes your way clear and measurable. When you
make a clear goal your life will dedicate to achieve that goal and you always
have vision to work for that. Like the lighthouse your purpose shows you best
way to work, determine and sacrifices for.
3. Remove Your Fear And Face Them (The Sumo Wrestler)
There is famous Japanese
“Kaizen Technique” which teaches us to learn consistently and improve yourself
by learning from mistakes either you made it or anyone else. Sumo wrestler
makes their body by working hard and consistently improves their fighting skill
and body. When they have to fight with bigger, and stronger than them they
make their mind peace and calm. They never be afraid of that one, they always
observe their opponent and their moves and use against them.
Similarly, there several
problems in our life too when we solve one another arise but we have to be calm
and learn from each of the problem we face. Which makes us more intelligent,
knowledgeable, and strong to face new one? That’s why we always focus on
possibility, opportunity, and the solution of the problem.
4. Live with Self Control & Discipline (Wire Cable)
Self control and discipline are most important things to live our life better. Like sumo wrestler's underwear is only depends on the cable wire. Which is made by many single wires. Like the same our life's reputation is always depends on our daily works. Our little daily habits are those which helps to make our image on society and to achieve our dream life. If we aware of our daily activities and change them into positive if there are any negative habit we can easily reach to our destination.
Book :- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
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How To Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation
Most of the people in present world are unhappy with their life. Some of them are unhappy with their job life, some of them are unhappy their partner, friend and society, and some of them are with their selves. They usually think problems in their life come from others activity and blame for others.
People usually postpone time to be happy. Some I’ll be happy when I graduate, when I get a job/start a business, and some thinks when I’ll be success. But in most of the case they wouldn’t be happy even after achieving their got to be happy because when get their goal they set another goal to fulfill or they can’t reach there.
If we look at the view of the successful people they say that “Happiness is not the goal of the person, it is the feeling of satisfaction of their work and self-esteem. It never found is success it always in the way to get success.’’
Here some Tricks on How to Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation:-
1. Be Optimistic
Everyone have to face challenges in their life. If you look at the positive side of that problem you’ll get a chance to learn and improve yourself. But if you look at negative side you’ll see more problem and struggle. You must have a habit to be optimistic in every situation of your life. That will allow you to be more positive and see hope. While you are being positive it will help to connect with people, family, and friends and they can get out of the situation. Develop a habit to look half full glass instead of half empty. Being optimistic give you motivation to see hope on challenges and opportunity to grow.
2. Focus On What You Can Control
People mostly think about what they can’t control. They think about uncontrolled things like their illness, heavy rain/storm/sunlight, uncertain job market, memory of the past, and many more. These kinds of thinking drain their energy and make them sad and week. You have to focus what you can do/control and how you improve yourself and be calm instead of these types of things that you can’t control.