Showing posts with label Book Summaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Summaries. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Life Changing Principles For Success

No Fear
No Feat

Most of the people in this present world are negative, sad, and unsatisfied with their life. So that the rate of people who are in depression is continuously increasing. People used to think having money and being success is not good. They always are being pessimistic toward society, government and their friends & family. They don’t set goal and don’t use their time efficiently that’s why do not get anything in life.

Human mind and the garden are somewhere same. We plant beautiful and smelly plants on and take off unusual and bad which reflect bad image among the garden. Like the same we should a positive thoughts on our mind. Positive thoughts make a man’s life easier and respectable.
 Here are some of the Life changing Principles You should apply in daily life to be financially free, achieve goal, and

1. Your Mind (The Garden)

 Your mind is like a garden. Where you sow plants of your thoughts. If you plant with positive thoughts you will be more positive and happy all the time. Positive plants make you optimistic, better quality life, opportunities grabber, positive influencer, and mostly important happy  And if you fill with negative plants your life will be pessimistic, negative, social humiliate, etc. Therefore, fill your mind with positive plants to make your life easier, positive and 

2. The Purpose Of Your Life (The Lighthouse)

The lighthouse helps to show the way towards their destination. Like the same have a clear purpose helps to work for your goal. Having goal makes your way clear and measurable. When you make a clear goal your life will dedicate to achieve that goal and you always have vision to work for that. Like the lighthouse your purpose shows you best way to work, determine and sacrifices for.

3. Remove Your Fear And Face Them (The Sumo Wrestler)

There is famous Japanese “Kaizen Technique” which teaches us to learn consistently and improve yourself by learning from mistakes either you made it or anyone else. Sumo wrestler makes their body by working hard and consistently improves their fighting skill and body. When they have to fight with bigger, and stronger than them they make their mind peace and calm. They never be afraid of that one, they always observe their opponent and their moves and use against them. 
Similarly, there several problems in our life too when we solve one another arise but we have to be calm and learn from each of the problem we face. Which makes us more intelligent, knowledgeable, and strong to face new one? That’s why we always focus on possibility, opportunity, and the solution of the problem.

4. Live with Self Control & Discipline (Wire Cable)

Self control and discipline are most important things to live our life better. Like sumo wrestler's underwear is only depends on the cable wire. Which is made by many single wires. Like the same our life's reputation is always depends on our daily works. Our little daily habits are those which helps to make our image on society and to achieve our dream life. If we aware of our daily activities and change them into positive if there are any negative habit we can easily reach to our destination.

Book :- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

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  How To Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation

Most of the people in present world are unhappy with their life. Some of them are unhappy with their job life, some of them are unhappy their partner, friend and society, and some of them are with their selves. They usually think problems in their life come from others activity and blame for others.

People usually postpone time to be happy. Some I’ll be happy when I graduate, when I get a job/start a business, and some thinks when I’ll be success. But in most of the case they wouldn’t be happy even after achieving their got to be happy because when get their goal they set another goal to fulfill or they can’t reach there.
If we look at the view of the successful people they say that “Happiness is not the goal of the person, it is the feeling of satisfaction of their work and self-esteem. It never found is success it always in the way to get success.’’

Here some Tricks on How to Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation:-

 1.   Be Optimistic

Everyone have to face challenges in their life. If you look at the positive side of that problem you’ll get a chance to learn and improve yourself. But if you look at negative side you’ll see more problem and struggle. You must have a habit to be optimistic in every situation of your life. That will allow you to be more positive and see hope. While you are being positive it will help to connect with people, family, and friends and they can get out of the situation. Develop a habit to look half full glass instead of half empty. Being optimistic give you motivation to see hope on challenges and opportunity to grow.

2. Focus On What You Can Control

People mostly think about what they can’t control. They think about uncontrolled things like their illness, heavy rain/storm/sunlight, uncertain job market, memory of the past, and many more. These kinds of thinking drain their energy and make them sad and week. You have to focus what you can do/control and how you improve yourself and be calm instead of these types of things that you can’t control.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Unique Habits Of Successful People


Habits of are most effective rules and activities that will make you or break you. Only a few people habit that makes their life in future but most of the people are controlled by their bad, useless and unproductive habits. Habits are daily works which are in control of your subconscious mind.
Every successful people have common and unique habit that make their more productive, valuable and better.

Today we are going to discuss about the book Millionaire Success Habit written by Dean Grazioso. Dean is the guy who was born in a very poor family and became a very successful and rich.

In this book writer describes very unique habits what makes his life better and work for everyone.
Here are these effective habits which changes writer's life and you can also change your life just by following, these habits:-

1. Take Creative Time Daily

    Every successful person divides his daily into different category and work with his routine. The most common habit found in every success people is they take creative time daily. If you want to be successful you also have to do same.
To follow this technique, think creatively. Creativity is like a muscle if you work on it, it work more effectively and become easy to solve critical problem. You decide a time for daily, go to silence place and think creatively about your job or business. How are it going, how you can make better and how you prepare for future problems and challenges? It will help you to get best result and avoid problems.

2. Stash Your Cash

     If you want become a millionaire you must have passive income, saving habit and investment. Most of the people make mistake that when they get money from job or another sources they spend all money they have and wait for another month to get paid, Even when their income increases they increase their expenses, Which make their life more struggle, unsecure and mostly unhappy.
You have to make a habit to save money even a little amount. You need money on your bank account to make right and long term decisions. Having money makes confidence to take risk, avoid negative relations, and leave your job which you don't like and start-up your own business. Therefore, you need a habit of saving money for future.

3. Reward Yourself

    People usually punish for mistake but never appreciate and reward for the good. You need to reward yourself for every good thing you make. You have to remember why you are earning money and how good your life is being. You need to make luxury life from a part of your income. Rewarding ourselves makes feel good toward your dream and work. Reward time to time to make motivate and positive feeling.

4. Invest In Yourself

     Firstly you need to invest in yourself. Many people invest in mutual fund, share, stock etc but most beneficial investment is invested in yourself. If you invest your money and time to increase your knowledge, develop your personality and improve yourself you get more benefit than other investment. To invest in yourself you can buy and read books, join online courses, hire mentors which make your life better and then you can earn more and more.

5. Think about the Solution, Not Problem

    There is a famous saying "If you think about problem you'll find more pain and problem in your life. But if you think about solution you'll find more opportunities  in your life." It means you need to focus on solution not on problems.
Normal people always think about their problems so that they find more problem but successful people think about solution to face that challenge, which gives them energy and motivation. Successful people usually convert their problem into opportunity to become better than past.

These are only some Quick habits (hacks) from this book.
If you want to read this book Click here: - Millionaire Success Habit 

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Benefits of Waking-Up Early In the Morning

The main difference between normal people and successful is successful people manage people manage their time but poor don't. Rich and successful people usually wake early in the morning and make a daily routine to utilize their time wisely. Every person in this world get the same amount of time but who can understand the value of time and well manage only he/she can be succeed their dream.
Waking up early in the morning help you to well manage your time, free and silence for work, boost self esteem etc which maximize your chances to succeed.

Here are some of the best benefits of Waking-Up early in the Morning:-

1. Maximum Focus and Concentration

     You have maximum concentration power in the morning than all the day. Nothing distraction will be there in the early morning. If you wake up 4-6am in the morning you will get best silence and non disturbing time to work for your dream. In early morning you can get flow stage easily which make you more productive, fast and creative.

Note:- To understand Flow stage You can read this book:- Flow

2. Free Time

    If you make a habit of waking up early in the morning you will get more free time for your day. You can finish hard and most important work early in the morning. In the morning you can work without distraction, fast and more effectively than whole day.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Start Your Business With ZERO Amount


Mostly people think it needs enough money to start a business. But all the time it may not correct. Sometimes it will be better to start with zero amount. When we spend money on business our money becomes our power, weapon, and weakness too. But if we don't have enough money we will work to develop our skills and our skill, talent and knowledge become our power, weapon and strength which helps to face any kind of problem.

Here are some major points helps to Start Your Business With Zero Amount:-

1. Money Problems

     If a person have enough money to spend he will work as how he think to do, whom he want to target, where he want to do and start with huge amount product and services. If his targeted audience or place are not really interested on his product he will loss all his money. But if a person do not have money he will learn and improve his skills than start with very small, take feedback from everyone, produce as much as demand is and target to everyone. There is not any chance to lose any amount of money and highly chances to earn maximum profit.

2. Product but Leader

     Most of the starter thinks product or service are only main source of their customers but actually leader is the main who attract and influence people to buy his/her product. The great leader knows how to make his/her customers happy and satisfy. In this competitive world not everyone will be success in life, only who will become successful in his/her life is one who have a leading capacity and best influencing knowledge.
If you invest with the data which collected by other there is high chance to lose with who start with zero because of knowledge he has learned when he was starting his business and suggestion of the customers.

3. Authenticity Speaks

      Company only based on money can be dead if a leader has not enough knowledge of changing modern world or any kind of change in organizational environment. Who firstly learn how to start and run business has authentic knowledge and ideas to deal with any kind of problem. In this modern
world customers are also enough intelligent to know which product is authentic and which is not. Lower capital makes you to start with low level and make direct contact with customers which creates strong connection and trust towards your product.

4. Stay Hungry

    Steve Jobs says " stay hungry, stay foolish" it means a person who has hunger of success he/she always find a way to success and if they don't find any way they will create one. You must have hungriness toward success. Find one reason why you want to success and work for it every day. The more hunger the more chances to be success in life because hunger always force you to work every day and encourage you to step out from your comfort zone and to take challenges.

5. Research

     You need to research before you start your business. Firstly find a best alternatives and select one which have best scope for future. Research with direct customers is more effective and correct information than internet and other media. You can take advice by your mentor and other success people. Your success and growth depends on how knowledge you have and how you utilize your knowledge and ideas.

These ideas are from the book The Power of Broke

Click Here To get this Book:-  The Power Of Broke

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Motivational Quotes That Will Change Your Life

People usually read motivational quotes to encourage them self and increase their confidence level.
If you also want to be a successful person or you're in struggle quotes help you to enhance your willpower and capability to face challenges. 

 Here are some of the best  Quotes That Will Change Your Life and thinking:-

1. If you born poor it's not your mistake,
    But if you die poor its your mistake.
                                                                     - Bill Gates

2. Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work
    The right people, the ones who really belong in your life will 
     come to you And stay.      
                                                                     - Will Smith

3. Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.
   It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
                                                                     - Vivian Greene

4. To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. 
                                                       - Joseph Chilton Pearce

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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Convert Your Dream/Goal Into Your Burning Desire

Your Choice
Your Choice

     To become a successful person you must have a burning desire but 2% of people have a Burning Desire and they are the people who are successful in their life. Burning desire is the first step toward success. Without burning no one will achieve success. Everyone can get success if they can convert Their Dream/Goal into Burning Desire.

Here are some of the main tips and tricks that Napoleon Hill discusses in his bestselling and one of my favorite book "Think & Grow Rich".

1. Fix the exact amount you want to get

    Most of the people dream to get rich, to earn much money but they don't know how. That's why people can't decide what to do? How to do? When to do? Because of they don't have a fix aim to get. Their dream seems very short and subconscious mind think it is very easy to get. Therefore, they don't focus on their dream and become careless to their important work.

If you fix how much money you want to get in your life. Your dream and your achievement can be measured by your subconscious mind and you can focus on your dream.

2. Determine what you intend to give in return for the money

     Your desire

    Decide what you can give to get your desired money. How many hours you work on a day, a month and a year? Decide how you can get knowledge, how you spend your money, time and energy. 
You must sacrifice toxic friends, who are believed in secured life means who believe in job.
You don't get anything until you sacrifice anything for that. It depends on you what you can give it, your time, sacrifice your comfort zone, energy etc.

 3. Define date possession 

     Plans/ Burning Desire are those which have deadline. If you don't fix the deadline for your dream it doesn't seem big and you procrastinate to take action. You must have a deadline before you start to work on your dream. You have to set a fix amount you have to earn before at the fix date. So you can calculate your times and success rate which helps you to get you dream life fast.

4. Create a definite plan and take action

  After deciding what, and how much time it needs action to get it. You need to collect data or knowledge from successful people, internet or from books and make a action plan. You have to make a clear routine how many hour you have to work a day, what kind action you have to take and how you are going to work. After making a routine you must have to work on it each and every day.

                                       These are only some of points of Burning Desire. In a few days I'll cover remaining points from this book.

If you want to read this book



       Motivational Quotes for Beginners

People usually get inspire and motivate by successful peoples. Almost every success people narrate very meaningful and motivating sentences in only one quotes. If you are also a beginner or in the field of entrepreneur you must know the meaning of these very famous Quotes:-

1. It always seems impossible until it is done.

                                                                 -Nelson Mandela

2. Quiet people have the loudest minds.
                                                                 - Stephen Hawking

3. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
   If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never           have enough.
                                                                  - Oprah Winfrey

4. However difficult life may seem, there is always something         you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give     up.
                                                                   - Stephen Hawking

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Friday, November 30, 2018



THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR best book you must read before you get rich. In this book writer teach how you can control the flow of money and get rich quickly. The millionaire next door book shows you how you are wasting your money and how to control it. This book also teaches how to use our time, money and energy and get maximum result.

Today we are going to discuss about this book's main Topic or Lessons:

1. Budgeting and Controlling Expenses

    Budgeting and controlling expenses is one step of getting rich. To become a rich person you must know about how much you spend a month or a year and for what you spend that money. If you don't know how to control expenses you will never become a millionaire. So, you have to make a budget for every month and every year and how much money you spend last year. After making a budget you have to spend money wisely.

2. Time, Energy and Money

   These three things are very limited and almost impossible to get back again. Therefore, it depends on you how wisely you use these three things. You have to make a plan and use them in productive work instead of wasting it on unproductive works. Your success depends how you utilize your limited source of time, energy and money. Successful people use them wisely for long term satisfaction but other people use only for immediate happiness.

3. Financial Independence is more important

  Most of the people thinks social image more important but in reality or in the view of successful people financial independence is more important. Successful people use their brain how to create more ideas but poor people think only how to get rich and to maintain high level in society they buy luxury vehicle and other things. On the other hand rich people love to live normal life.

4. Affirmative Action

   Realistic optimism is the best habit of a successful person. People get negative in almost all problems but in the case intelligent people they take every problem as a opportunity. The big problem you solve, you get biggest opportunity to become rich. Successful people see hope in their problem or struggle, work for them and get what they want in their life.


                Improve Your Productivity

Productivity is result of your effort, time and money. It can be measured by your success level. Every people gets same amount of time i.e. 24 hour every day. But some people become very successful and happy in their life and some people failed, depressed and become unhappy in their life. The main difference between Successful and unsuccessful people is their daily routine and habit which gives them more or less productivity.
If you also want to Improve Your Productivity just follow the steps given below:-

1. Make a goal (Start)
    If you have a goal for your life, You are 1 step close to achieve your dream. If you don't have, make it first. Without direction you can't go anywhere so make a destiny where you want to go. Make a plan wisely in which sector you are interested and love to work for.

2.  Make a habit to work for daily
   To get success you must work consistently. Make a habit or pattern to work daily. It depends on you how make a habit or pattern for yourself. If your goal is weight loss you can wake up early in the morning and exercise, follow diet plan and avoid junk food.

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