Saturday, December 08, 2018

Convert Your Dream/Goal Into Your Burning Desire

Your Choice
Your Choice

     To become a successful person you must have a burning desire but 2% of people have a Burning Desire and they are the people who are successful in their life. Burning desire is the first step toward success. Without burning no one will achieve success. Everyone can get success if they can convert Their Dream/Goal into Burning Desire.

Here are some of the main tips and tricks that Napoleon Hill discusses in his bestselling and one of my favorite book "Think & Grow Rich".

1. Fix the exact amount you want to get

    Most of the people dream to get rich, to earn much money but they don't know how. That's why people can't decide what to do? How to do? When to do? Because of they don't have a fix aim to get. Their dream seems very short and subconscious mind think it is very easy to get. Therefore, they don't focus on their dream and become careless to their important work.

If you fix how much money you want to get in your life. Your dream and your achievement can be measured by your subconscious mind and you can focus on your dream.

2. Determine what you intend to give in return for the money

     Your desire

    Decide what you can give to get your desired money. How many hours you work on a day, a month and a year? Decide how you can get knowledge, how you spend your money, time and energy. 
You must sacrifice toxic friends, who are believed in secured life means who believe in job.
You don't get anything until you sacrifice anything for that. It depends on you what you can give it, your time, sacrifice your comfort zone, energy etc.

 3. Define date possession 

     Plans/ Burning Desire are those which have deadline. If you don't fix the deadline for your dream it doesn't seem big and you procrastinate to take action. You must have a deadline before you start to work on your dream. You have to set a fix amount you have to earn before at the fix date. So you can calculate your times and success rate which helps you to get you dream life fast.

4. Create a definite plan and take action

  After deciding what, and how much time it needs action to get it. You need to collect data or knowledge from successful people, internet or from books and make a action plan. You have to make a clear routine how many hour you have to work a day, what kind action you have to take and how you are going to work. After making a routine you must have to work on it each and every day.

                                       These are only some of points of Burning Desire. In a few days I'll cover remaining points from this book.

If you want to read this book



       Motivational Quotes for Beginners

People usually get inspire and motivate by successful peoples. Almost every success people narrate very meaningful and motivating sentences in only one quotes. If you are also a beginner or in the field of entrepreneur you must know the meaning of these very famous Quotes:-

1. It always seems impossible until it is done.

                                                                 -Nelson Mandela

2. Quiet people have the loudest minds.
                                                                 - Stephen Hawking

3. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
   If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never           have enough.
                                                                  - Oprah Winfrey

4. However difficult life may seem, there is always something         you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give     up.
                                                                   - Stephen Hawking

                                                                                         Continue Reading:-

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