Thursday, January 24, 2019

Life Changing Principles For Success

No Fear
No Feat

Most of the people in this present world are negative, sad, and unsatisfied with their life. So that the rate of people who are in depression is continuously increasing. People used to think having money and being success is not good. They always are being pessimistic toward society, government and their friends & family. They don’t set goal and don’t use their time efficiently that’s why do not get anything in life.

Human mind and the garden are somewhere same. We plant beautiful and smelly plants on and take off unusual and bad which reflect bad image among the garden. Like the same we should a positive thoughts on our mind. Positive thoughts make a man’s life easier and respectable.
 Here are some of the Life changing Principles You should apply in daily life to be financially free, achieve goal, and

1. Your Mind (The Garden)

 Your mind is like a garden. Where you sow plants of your thoughts. If you plant with positive thoughts you will be more positive and happy all the time. Positive plants make you optimistic, better quality life, opportunities grabber, positive influencer, and mostly important happy  And if you fill with negative plants your life will be pessimistic, negative, social humiliate, etc. Therefore, fill your mind with positive plants to make your life easier, positive and 

2. The Purpose Of Your Life (The Lighthouse)

The lighthouse helps to show the way towards their destination. Like the same have a clear purpose helps to work for your goal. Having goal makes your way clear and measurable. When you make a clear goal your life will dedicate to achieve that goal and you always have vision to work for that. Like the lighthouse your purpose shows you best way to work, determine and sacrifices for.

3. Remove Your Fear And Face Them (The Sumo Wrestler)

There is famous Japanese “Kaizen Technique” which teaches us to learn consistently and improve yourself by learning from mistakes either you made it or anyone else. Sumo wrestler makes their body by working hard and consistently improves their fighting skill and body. When they have to fight with bigger, and stronger than them they make their mind peace and calm. They never be afraid of that one, they always observe their opponent and their moves and use against them. 
Similarly, there several problems in our life too when we solve one another arise but we have to be calm and learn from each of the problem we face. Which makes us more intelligent, knowledgeable, and strong to face new one? That’s why we always focus on possibility, opportunity, and the solution of the problem.

4. Live with Self Control & Discipline (Wire Cable)

Self control and discipline are most important things to live our life better. Like sumo wrestler's underwear is only depends on the cable wire. Which is made by many single wires. Like the same our life's reputation is always depends on our daily works. Our little daily habits are those which helps to make our image on society and to achieve our dream life. If we aware of our daily activities and change them into positive if there are any negative habit we can easily reach to our destination.

Book :- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

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  How To Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation

Most of the people in present world are unhappy with their life. Some of them are unhappy with their job life, some of them are unhappy their partner, friend and society, and some of them are with their selves. They usually think problems in their life come from others activity and blame for others.

People usually postpone time to be happy. Some I’ll be happy when I graduate, when I get a job/start a business, and some thinks when I’ll be success. But in most of the case they wouldn’t be happy even after achieving their got to be happy because when get their goal they set another goal to fulfill or they can’t reach there.
If we look at the view of the successful people they say that “Happiness is not the goal of the person, it is the feeling of satisfaction of their work and self-esteem. It never found is success it always in the way to get success.’’

Here some Tricks on How to Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation:-

 1.   Be Optimistic

Everyone have to face challenges in their life. If you look at the positive side of that problem you’ll get a chance to learn and improve yourself. But if you look at negative side you’ll see more problem and struggle. You must have a habit to be optimistic in every situation of your life. That will allow you to be more positive and see hope. While you are being positive it will help to connect with people, family, and friends and they can get out of the situation. Develop a habit to look half full glass instead of half empty. Being optimistic give you motivation to see hope on challenges and opportunity to grow.

2. Focus On What You Can Control

People mostly think about what they can’t control. They think about uncontrolled things like their illness, heavy rain/storm/sunlight, uncertain job market, memory of the past, and many more. These kinds of thinking drain their energy and make them sad and week. You have to focus what you can do/control and how you improve yourself and be calm instead of these types of things that you can’t control.

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

How To Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation

Be Happy and Kind
Be Happy and Kind

Most of the people are unhappy with their life. Some of them are unhappy with their job life, some of them are unhappy their partner, friend and society, and some of them are with their selves. They usually think problems in their life come from others activity and blame for others.

People usually postpone time to be happy. Some I’ll be happy when I graduate, when I get a job/start a business, and some thinks when I’ll be success. But in most of the case they wouldn’t be happy even after achieving their got to be happy because when get their goal they set another goal to fulfill or they can’t reach there.
If we look at the view of the successful people they say that “Happiness is not the goal of the person, it is the feeling of satisfaction of their work and self-esteem. It never found is success it always in the way to get success.’’

Here some Tricks on How to Be Happy/Calm In Every Situation:-

 1.   Be Optimistic

Everyone have to face challenges in their life. If you look at the positive side of that problem you’ll get a chance to learn and improve yourself. But if you look at negative side you’ll see more problem and struggle. You must have a habit to be optimistic in every situation of your life. That will allow you to be more positive and see hope. While you are being positive it will help to connect with people, family, and friends and they can get out of the situation. Develop a habit to look half full glass instead of half empty. Being optimistic give you motivation to see hope on challenges and opportunity to grow.

2. Focus On What You Can Control

People mostly think about what they can’t control. They think about uncontrolled things like their illness, heavy rain/storm/sunlight, uncertain job market, memory of the past, and many more. These kinds of thinking drain their energy and make them sad and week. You have to focus what you can do/control and how you improve yourself and be calm instead of these types of things that you can’t control.

3.  Practice Accepting Yourself

Accepting yourself means to be comfortable in who you are. You don’t have to compare yourself with others make you unhappy and decrease your self-esteem because when you compare yourself with others you’ll find out your flaws.  Remember that no one in this world have same intelligent, knowledge, passion and skill before you compare yourself with others and we all have flaws. Comparing with others increases negativity on your mind.

4.   Be Kind To Others

Being kind to others will help you to be positive and happy. That’s why most of the success people help others by donating their knowledge, skill, experience, wealth, and time too. You also have an attitude to help others. That will help you to improve your social reputation, positivity on your mind and even you body. Always be ready to help others kindly without expecting anything in return from them.

Recommended Book:- The Subtle Art OF Not Giving A F*ck

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Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your MindSet

   Quotes can make you focus, motivated, and inspire from the achievers what you want to achieve in your life. Quotes can change your life that's why you have to read, memorize and share these quotes to your family, friends and other who need inspiration and motivation.

       Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your Mindset

1. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.
                                                                     - Les Brown

2. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
                                                                    - Truman Capote

3. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
                                                                    - Eleanor Roosevelt

4. If you are going through hell keep going. 
                                                                    - Winston Churchill

5. If you can change your mind, you can change your life.
                                                                    - William James

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your MindSet

Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your MindSet
Your Day

   Quotes can make you focus, motivated, and inspire from the achievers what you want to achieve in your life. Quotes can change your life that's why you have to read, memorize and share these quotes to your family, friends and other who need inspiration and motivation.

       Inspirational Quotes That Can Change Your Mindset

1. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.
                                                                     - Les Brown

2. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
                                                                    - Truman Capote

3. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
                                                                    - Eleanor Roosevelt

4. If you are going through hell keep going. 
                                                                    - Winston Churchill

5. If you can change your mind, you can change your life.
                                                                    - William James

6. The word 'Happy' would its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
                                                                    - Carl Jung

7. Some people feel the Rain, others just Wet.
                                                                    - Bob Dylan

8. You can never cross the Ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
                                                                    - Christopher Columbus

9. As you think, So shall you become.
                                                                    - Bruce lee

10. Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.
                                                                    - Eric Thomas

11. Anyone who attempts to build great things will face challenges.
                                                                                                      - Jon Gordon

12. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does-makes you a winner right there.
                                                                    - Venus Williams

13. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
                                                                                    - Mahatma Gandhi

14. Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.
                                                                    - Robert Allen

15. Life isn't about getting and having, It's about giving and being.
                                                                               - Kevin Kruse

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         Interesting Psychological Facts

    There are a lots of psychological facts that can usually not everyone use. But today we're going to share some interesting psychological facts that can help you to live better and easier.

                           Interesting Psychological Facts

1. Frustrated people generally behave like a psycho.

2. Successful people emphasis on solutions rather than problems.

3. If you eat French Fries one by one you are detailed oriented person.

4. People who like green color do like nature and money.

5. Speak loud is a sign of self confidence.

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Interesting Psychological Facts

Human brain

    There are a lots of psychological facts that can usually not everyone use. But today we're going to share some interesting psychological facts that can help you to live better and easier.

                           Interesting Psychological Facts

1. Frustrated people generally behave like a psycho.

2. Successful people emphasis on solutions rather than problems.

3. If you eat French Fries one by one you are detailed oriented person.

4. People who like green color do like nature and money.

5. Speak loud is a sign of self confidence.

6. People work better if they get reward.

7. Children who heard stories in the childhood are more active when getting young.

8. If your working table is messy, you are highly intelligent.

9. Most of the intelligent people have the tendency to forget things.

10. People who dream more, have higher IQ.

11. When someone shake their leg, means they are thinking something.

12. Intelligent people like to solve the puzzle.

13. People who present too good themselves are really worst.

14. "Karma" is scientifically proven what you do will come to you in different ways.

15. Selfish people tend to be jealous of the success of other people.

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Top lessons You Should Learn/Understand To Get Financial Freedom

  Survey shows that 80% of the money have less than 10% people in this world.
Every people want to get rich and become financially free but only a few people can achieve their goal to financially free. This is because of the knowledge of money and its flow.

In our school we can learn how to work in particular field, hobby, interest but they don't teach how money works and its flow. The same mistake do almost every people who wants to become financially free in their life. They learn education and professional education but they never learn Financial Education.

       Today we are going to discuss about Financial Education must need to Get rich or become Financially freedom:-

1. Money Is Only A Tool

        People think money is a root of all the evil but in reality not having money is a problem.
People think money make a person bad and rude. There are some people who become bad when they get money or to get money but most of the people become successful and wealthy because they solve a problem. 
Money is only a tool to amplify our emotions. If a person thinks negatively, he'll do negative things either he is rich or poor. Or if a person think positively he/she'll work for other people.
Money makes a person capable to do what he/she wants to do. It may be helping their family or friends, poor people, creating job for other and helping to make strong economic in their country.

2. Actually Debt Is Not Bad

       Almost no one wants to be in debt. But a person who has better knowledge about financial education doesn't afraid of debt because he/she knows how to use OPM- Other People's Money.
Let's divide debt in two category:-

- Bad Debt

     Bad debt is the debt which is borrow to buy liabilities. Middle class people usually use this type of debt. They have limited income but they want to buy costly phones, bikes, cars and other luxury. This type of debt is actually bad. They spend more money to buy this type of liabilities which increases their daily/monthly expenses. That's why they never become financially free.

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Top lessons You Should Learn/Understand To Get Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom

             Survey shows that 80% of the money have less than 10% people in this world.
Every people want to get rich and become financially free but only a few people can achieve their goal to financially free. This is because of the knowledge of money and its flow.

In our school we can learn how to work in particular field, hobby, interest but they don't teach how money works and its flow. The same mistake do almost every people who wants to become financially free in their life. They learn education and professional education but they never learn Financial Education.

       Today we are going to discuss about Financial Education must need to Get rich or become Financially freedom:-

1. Money is only a Tool

        People think money is a root of all the evil but in reality not having money is a problem.
People think money make a person bad and rude. There are some people who become bad when they get money or to get money but most of the people become successful and wealthy because they solve a problem. 
Money is only a tool to amplify our emotions. If a person thinks negatively, he'll do negative things either he is rich or poor. Or if a person think positively he/she'll work for other people.
Money makes a person capable to do what he/she wants to do. It may be helping their family or friends, poor people, creating job for other and helping to make strong economic in their country.

2. Actually Debt is not bad

       Almost no one wants to be in debt. But a person who has better knowledge about financial education doesn't afraid of debt because he/she knows how to use OPM- Other People's Money.
Let's divide debt in two category:-

- Bad Debt

     Bad debt is the debt which is borrow to buy liabilities. Middle class people usually use this type of debt. They have limited income but they want to buy costly phones, bikes, cars and other luxury. This type of debt is actually bad. They spend more money to buy this type of liabilities which increases their daily/monthly expenses. That's why they never become financially free.

- Good Debt

    This type of debt generate source of income to the person. People borrow money to buy assets like house which can generate rent, share, bond, land etc which increases source of income. 

3. Income Statement

      People make their income statement to control their expenses and save some money for future. They collect all the income and expenses they made last month or year and make a plan for future.

Normal people include only income and expenditure in statement and always focus on increasing income and lowering expenses to get rich. But this is not the way to get rich.
Financially educated people include Assets and Liabilities too in their Income Statement. And they always focus on how to increase assets instead of lowering expenses. That's why the become financially free.

5. Cashflow Quadrant

      People can earn money from four types. They are ESBI. It depends on these ESBI how quickly you are going to be rich.

E- Employee

         People who work for other and get limited amount of money. People in type E is very difficult to get rich because they work only for income. Generally which is constant and limited. This type of people use who has limited skill and afraid to take risk. You can be success but not wealthy by working for others.

S- Self Employed

     In this type of category, people who has their own skill and they work for themselves. Shopkeeper, Doctor who has their own clinic, Freelancer, salesman etc. They think they are businessman but they are self employed. They earn if they work. If they want to earn more money they must work more. So this stage has also very difficult to get rich.

B- Business

    In this category, people know hot to use OPM- Other People's Money and OPT- Other People's Talent. In this category, the owner earn money with very little effort they use other people's talent and money to work for them. This is the best way to become financially free because money and other people work to make money for them.

I- Investment

      In this stage, people invest their money to get profit. When people have or borrow money and invest them into house which can provide on rent, share, stock, bond, Machines etc. In this stage people buy assets which make money for them in the future. After paying all the instalment these assets generates huge amount for them.

To get rich and become financially free you must be in Business or Investment Quadrant. You can be more than one quadrant at the same time. The most important lesson you should learn to be rich is always focus on your assets.

Recommended Book:- 1.   

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    Best Motivational Quotes For Students

   Student life is the best part and beginning stage of our life. Basically students life never end for intelligent people because they always learn from different sources. School life is the most complicated, enjoyable and confusing life. We can't decide wisely while we are in lower level school but we must have that intelligent to decision to make our life better when we reach to Higher Level school. To make our decision wisely we can take help from very successful peoples. Therefore, I have mentioned few Best Motivation Quotes For Students given by very successful people in the world.

                     Motivational Quotes For Students

1. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
                                                                        - Confucius

2. There's no elevator for success. You have to take the Stairs.
                                                                        - Zig Ziglar

3. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything 
                                                                        - Albert Einstein

4. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always try just one more time.
                                                                        - Thomas A. Edison

5. The world is a university and everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure when you wake up in the morning you go to school.
                                                                        - Bishop T.D. Jakes

6. The capacity to learn is a Gift; the ability to learn  is a Skill; the willingness to learn is a Choice.
                                                                        - Brain Herbert

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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Best Motivational Quotes For Students

Today is the best day to start work for future.
Today is the best day to start work for future.

   Student life is the best part and beginning stage of our life. Basically students life never end for intelligent people because they always learn from different sources. School life is the most complicated, enjoyable and confusing life. We can't decide wisely while we are in lower level school but we must have that intelligent to decision to make our life better when we reach to Higher Level school. To make our decision wisely we can take help from very successful peoples. Therefore, I have mentioned few Best Motivation Quotes For Students given by very successful people in the world.

                     Motivational Quotes For Students

1. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
                                                                        - Confucius

2. There's no elevator for success. You have to take the Stairs.
                                                                        - Zig Ziglar

3. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything 
                                                                        - Albert Einstein

4. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always try just one more time.
                                                                        - Thomas A. Edison

5. The world is a university and everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure when you wake up in the morning you go to school.
                                                                        - Bishop T.D. Jakes

6. The capacity to learn is a Gift; the ability to learn  is a Skill; the willingness to learn is a Choice.
                                                                        - Brain Herbert

7. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
                                                                         - B.B. King

8. The expert in anything was once a beginner.
                                                                         - Helen Hayes

9. The future depends on what you do today.
                                                                         - Mahatma Gandhi

10. Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.
                                                                         - Frank Ocean

11. You can't just keep doing what works one time, everything around you is changing. To succeed, stay out infront of change.
                                                                                            - Sam Walton

12. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
                                                                         - John Dewey

13. Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
                                                                        - James Dewar

14. Life is tough, But it's tougher when you're stupid.
                                                                        - John Wayne

15. Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.
                                                                        - Bo Jackson

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  Interesting Psychological Facts about Love

       Love is very common and very difficult to find true love. Love can divided in different ways with different people. Like, Love between family, love between friends, colleague, and love between different gender (boyfriend girlfriend, husband wife etc). The feeling of is quite amazing and have unlimited potential.

Here are some Interesting Psychological Facts About Love:-

1. A morning kiss can help prevent against stress related illness- it trigger hormone that help a person deal with pressure.

2. Psychology says, People tend to value memories more than actual people. Sometime you miss the memories, not the actual person.

3. The more we hear something, the more we believe it is true - it is called illusion of truth effect.

4. When people in love stare into each other's eyes, their heartbeat sync together.

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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Interesting Psychological Facts about Love


          Love is very common and very difficult to find true love. Love can divided in different ways with different people. Like, Love between family, love between friends, colleague, and love between different gender (boyfriend girlfriend, husband wife etc). The feeling of is quite amazing and have unlimited potential.

Here are some Interesting Psychological Facts About Love:-

1. A morning kiss can help prevent against stress related illness- it trigger hormone that help a person deal with pressure.

2. Psychology says, People tend to value memories more than actual people. Sometime you miss the memories, not the actual person.

3. The more we hear something, the more we believe it is true - it is called illusion of truth effect.

4. When people in love stare into each other's eyes, their heartbeat sync together.

5. Men typically fall in love faster than women.

6. Men are more attractive to women wearing red.

7. Being in love reduces the ability to stay focused.

8. People who are happily married tend to live longer than widowers and single individuals.

9. feeling love really makes you warm on the inside.

10. Familiar faces are more attractive.

11. Love can be addictive.

12. The deeper your feelings, the harder they are to express.

13. While kissing,65% of people turn their head on the right.

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Life Changing Lessons You Should Learn From PENCIL

Almost everyone in this world use pencil at least once in their life But countable people notice how his/her pencil has made and how it works. Like human (inner wisdom and outer attitude/personality) pencil has two aspects beautiful wooden case and the lead. Gaur Gopal Das says people should learn these 4 lessons from pencil:-

1. What Truly Important Actually Inside You

       Pencil has two aspects one is it's beautiful wooden case and another is the lead. The more important and useful aspect of pencil is it's lead. Like the same, Human also have two aspects one is his/her personality, image and profile and another is peace, wise, and a sincere person which is most important to understand.

2. Unless What Is Within You Comes Out You Can't Make An Impact

      Pencil can't make an impact unless the lead comes out from the case. It only make an impact when the lead comes out from the case y writing something in the paper. Similarly, in our life we can't do anything with only the help of our outlook. We only make an impact on yourself or on others when we think and work from our inner peace. An beautiful inner soul can change the world with positivity.

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