Monday, January 14, 2019

Interesting Psychological Facts

Human brain

    There are a lots of psychological facts that can usually not everyone use. But today we're going to share some interesting psychological facts that can help you to live better and easier.

                           Interesting Psychological Facts

1. Frustrated people generally behave like a psycho.

2. Successful people emphasis on solutions rather than problems.

3. If you eat French Fries one by one you are detailed oriented person.

4. People who like green color do like nature and money.

5. Speak loud is a sign of self confidence.

6. People work better if they get reward.

7. Children who heard stories in the childhood are more active when getting young.

8. If your working table is messy, you are highly intelligent.

9. Most of the intelligent people have the tendency to forget things.

10. People who dream more, have higher IQ.

11. When someone shake their leg, means they are thinking something.

12. Intelligent people like to solve the puzzle.

13. People who present too good themselves are really worst.

14. "Karma" is scientifically proven what you do will come to you in different ways.

15. Selfish people tend to be jealous of the success of other people.

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Top lessons You Should Learn/Understand To Get Financial Freedom

  Survey shows that 80% of the money have less than 10% people in this world.
Every people want to get rich and become financially free but only a few people can achieve their goal to financially free. This is because of the knowledge of money and its flow.

In our school we can learn how to work in particular field, hobby, interest but they don't teach how money works and its flow. The same mistake do almost every people who wants to become financially free in their life. They learn education and professional education but they never learn Financial Education.

       Today we are going to discuss about Financial Education must need to Get rich or become Financially freedom:-

1. Money Is Only A Tool

        People think money is a root of all the evil but in reality not having money is a problem.
People think money make a person bad and rude. There are some people who become bad when they get money or to get money but most of the people become successful and wealthy because they solve a problem. 
Money is only a tool to amplify our emotions. If a person thinks negatively, he'll do negative things either he is rich or poor. Or if a person think positively he/she'll work for other people.
Money makes a person capable to do what he/she wants to do. It may be helping their family or friends, poor people, creating job for other and helping to make strong economic in their country.

2. Actually Debt Is Not Bad

       Almost no one wants to be in debt. But a person who has better knowledge about financial education doesn't afraid of debt because he/she knows how to use OPM- Other People's Money.
Let's divide debt in two category:-

- Bad Debt

     Bad debt is the debt which is borrow to buy liabilities. Middle class people usually use this type of debt. They have limited income but they want to buy costly phones, bikes, cars and other luxury. This type of debt is actually bad. They spend more money to buy this type of liabilities which increases their daily/monthly expenses. That's why they never become financially free.

                                                              Continue Reading:-

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