Showing posts with label Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips & Tricks. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Best Tips For Your First Impression

People usually determine you in your first 10 to 30 seconds. It means you have only a few seconds to show how attractive and confident you are. Some people become shy and uncomfortable in front of stranger but this is not the w
ay to show your personality. To make better and impressive you need to change a little bit of yourself. Here are some Tips for First Impression:-

1. Eye contact

      Eye contact is the most important while you are talking with other people. Eye contact shows you are interested or not with the person or topic. You must make eye contact to make them comfortable and secure with you. Eye contact doesn't mean staring all the time; it means you have to make 60 to 80 percentage eye contact with whom you are talking.

2. Body Language

    Studies shows while you are in conversation your body play 55% of role to continue your conversation. Body language is more important than your words to impress others. To make a perfect you must be comfortable, don't hold your hands, make eye contact and mainly smile.
You look more comfortable while you are smiling and it increases your confident and good signal for others.

3. Take care of your Appearance

      Usually people judge by your looking and your cloths. You need to wear fit and suitable for a ceremony which you are attending. You must wear color matching, fit but not tight and suitable for your body. You can find many tips and tricks suitable for your body in internet.

4. Hygiene 

    Hygiene means your look dress and your smell. If you meet people with bad smell and dirty dress nobody likes you. So, clean your dress daily, take a shower everyday and use best perfume. People like those who have nice hair style, good and clean looking and fresh smell.

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Psychological Facts or Process You can Control

Psychological process is automatic process of our mind or subconscious mind. But good thing is if can be control by our conscious mind and change our mood. Likewise, you can use it to your family and friends to change their mood or influence them.
But please don't use it to wrong purpose.

Here Are Some Psychological Facts That Can Change Your Life:-

1. The last person on your mind before fall asleep is either the reason for your happiness or pain.

2. The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.

3. Convincing yourself you slept well tricks brain into thinking it did.

4. Being with Positive, a happy person keeps you happier.

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Lessons You Must Know Before Getting Rich

I know you want to be a richest person by your own effort, that's why you are reading this post.
Many people wants to be the same, but they can't achieve or earn enough money in their life.
Because their belief, their knowledge, their habit or their thinking and their work ethic.
I think you don't want to be a loser like them. To become a Millionaire you have to make a little change in your habit and thinking and follow this tips.

Here are some of the most important Lessons You Must Know Before Getting Rich:-

1. The different between Assets & Liabilities

  Most of the people fail to become a rich because they don't know the different between Assets and Liabilities. Assets are those what makes money for you ( for example: House for rent, shares, stock etc.) and Liab5.ities are those what increase your daily expenses ( like mobile, car, bike and other luxuries).
You have to increase your assets more than liabilities to become a rich person.

2. Long Term Habits

To become a millionaire you must have a daily habit which helps you to stay long and make you better every day. Morning Ritual, Reading Books etc. These are the habits that can change your life.
If you have this types habits congratulations you are one step closer to become a millionaire and if you don't have you most start from Today.

3. Increase your income instead of lowering expenses

Many people has misconception that they can be rich by lowering their daily expenses But this is the biggest misconception you must break. You will never become a rich person by lowering your expenses. You most increase your income to become rich. If you make multiple and passive income source of income, you will become rich very soon.

4. Raise Your Expectations 

Settle in what they have is poor mentality. You need to change thinking like this. 
You have to make big dream, set a huge goal, make effort. It exactly mean you have to come out from comfort zone. 
You have change your thinking from "I can't do this" to " How can I do this?"

5. Knowledge is more valuable than money

You most know money is a thing that helps to fulfill some of our needs and make our life luxury and Knowledge is very important to live our life and make it joyful. Many people think money can make them happy and money is everything. But money is only a tool to make our life comfortable and it can't buy everything.

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           Benefits Of Meditation

Mediation is the process to make your mind peaceful and remove all the negative & unproductive thoughts. Many people thinks that meditation is only for those who believes in god (like:- Monks) and wants to make a contact with god. But in reality meditation is the way to make calm your brain and live in present moment.
Researchers find many benefits of  meditation but today we're going to discuss about top benefits of meditation:-

1. Physically Changes Your Brain

 Meditating for 8 weeks increases your brain size. It reduce the size of negative thoughts, stress producing areas and increases these types of areas:-
 Left Hippocampus: which is use for learning and retain information ,
Posterior Cingulate Cortex: which helps to control your mind wanders and
Temporo Parietal Junction: which is responsible for Compassion and Empathy.

2. Reduce Bad Emotions

Meditation helps to reduce negative and bad emotions. Meditating for a few months you will feel more positive and productive. Continuously meditation increases dopamine in your brain which helps to increases your happiness and reduce bad emotions.

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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Improve Your Personality

Improve Your Personality
Learn and Grow

Everybody wants to be better and wants to connect with each other.
Some people are very interesting and friendly with everyone.
Some of them have already this quality in their childhood which they learn from family and others and some of them improve their personality later.

Are you also willing to be like the same??
Many people like to be the same but they believe habits and personality is God gift or born gift.
But the fact is habits and confidence can change if a person wants and willing to take action.

If you also want to improve your personality, I am here to help to live your dream life.
Here are some points or habits( tips) to change your mindset and improve your personality:-

> Start reading about psychology and philosophy

    If you want to improve yourself and want to be friendly, you have to start reading psychology and philosophy. Psychology helps you to understand the emotions and thinking of the people around you and philosophy teach you how you can influence them to do what you want to do and how to change their emotions. You can learn by watching videos and listening but reading habit is the most powerful habit to improve your personality.

> Learn to speak in public

     Speaking is the most important skill you need to improve your personality.
You can develop a skill of speaking in public by practicing with friends, family, in school, college and club. Ability to speak in public makes you better than others who don't have enough confidence to go the same. And it is the most required skill in this present time.

> Always learn something new

    Learning new things is also one of the best habits to improve your personality.
When you are learning something new your mind changes neurons in mind. Always learning attitude makes you smarter and confident. It also helps to improve your memory power, learning ability, focus, willpower etc. Therefore, learning habit is the best habit to improve yourself.

> Being in Present Moment

   Being in the present moment is also known a stage of infinite possibilities.
You can control your thoughts, your focus, and your mind when you are in the present moment.
You can meditate or focus on your breath to be in the present moment.

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Be conscious and motivated

Ho to be attractive

Build Self Conference