Sunday, November 11, 2018

Benefits Of Meditation

Mediation is the process to make your mind peaceful and remove all the negative & unproductive thoughts. Many people thinks that meditation is only for those who believes in god (like:- Monks) and wants to make a contact with god. But in reality meditation is the way to make calm your brain and live in present moment.
Researchers find many benefits of  meditation but today we're going to discuss about top benefits of meditation:-

1. Physically changes your brain

 Meditating for 8 weeks increases your brain size. It reduce the size of negative thoughts, stress producing areas and increases these types of areas:-
 Left Hippocampus: which is use for learning and retain information ,
Posterior Cingulate Cortex: which helps to control your mind wanders and
Temporo Parietal Junction: which is responsible for Compassion and Empathy.

2. Reduce Bad Emotions

Meditation helps to reduce negative and bad emotions. Meditating for a few months you will feel more positive and productive. Continuously meditation increases dopamine in your brain which helps to increases your happiness and reduce bad emotions.

3. Increases Your Concentration and Focus Power

Regularly meditating increases your concentration and focus power. While meditating you are in stage of being present moment and you'll be able to control your mind wanders.
Being in present moment make your mind more conscious and make your performance better,

 4. Increases Your Will Power

     Meditating regularly increases your will power. Source of will power is very limited in our daily life. Meditation helps to maintain our daily performance and increases your will power. 
Meditation helps to maintain your physical body and our spiritual level.
Meditation helps to boost your confidence and self-esteem level.

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                                            Best Bed~Time Habits
Your day depends on your morning, your evening depends on your day and your morning depends on your night hour.
Success people believes your mind is more power in the night hour and in the morning hour. You can send your information in your subconscious mind just before and just after the bed.
You also send your dream and wanted life in your subconscious  mind if you follow few rules or habit just before your bed-time.
The night habits are as powerful as your morning habits. And easy to start and continuously follow.

Here are the evening habits your use just before your bed-time:-

1. Wind Down
    Wind down is the best and first step of night habit. Firstly, turn off your phone and computer, were comfortable and make sure you are comfortable and clean your bed and around your bed. This will help you to send a message to your subconscious mind that you are going to sleep.
If you are working or using mobile and computer this effect your on your sleep.

2. Read Fiction 
     Reading fiction help you to relax your mind. While you are reading helps to improve your imagination and visualization capacity.
                                                                                               Continuous Reading...

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